About Digital Great Commission Ministries

Digital Great Commission Ministries (DGCM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to equipping churches with the tools and knowledge needed to create compelling and impactful services. We specialize in providing principles, best practices, teaching, and consulting tailored to enhance your church's technology, visitor engagement, online streaming, and more.

Free Assessments

We are renowned for our free assessments, where our team visits your church to offer personalized advice and actionable next steps. Additionally, our podcast features interviews with leaders from both pastoral and tech communities, offering insights into the "how," "what," "when," and "why" of technology and leadership in the church.

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Free Resources

DGCM also offers a wealth of free resources, including articles, tech tips, leadership principles, consulting services, gear recommendations, and more. Our mission is to empower churches with the technical tools and knowledge necessary to fulfill the Great Commission and spread the gospel worldwide.

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“I believe, through the use of technology, we are to go into the world and preach the Gospel to all nations. When we do this with technology, I call it the Digital Great Commission. Let's teach it, live it and go fulfill it!”

— David Leuschner

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David Leuschner

Founder & Director

David Leuschner currently serves as the Executive Director of Digital Great Commission Ministries, a non-profit that has a mission to utilize technology to reach the entire world for Jesus Christ. David has been in the tech industry for over 30 years and has always had a passion for the church. From 2006 to 2017 he served on the Senior Team as the Senior Director of Technology and Technical Arts at one of the largest churches in the nation. While at this church, David guided and directed over 700 volunteers, part-time and full-time staff in a mission to facilitate several hundred events a month among all venues.

David has a passion for presenting God's Word, Worship and Teaching in a way that changes lives. David started volunteering in a local Church at the age of 11. He progressed to working at high level events that included working with President George H W Bush, US Diplomat Alan Lee Keyes, Walt Disney World, Universal Studio's, ABC News, Steven Curtis Chapman, Newsboys and many other major artists. David has been married to his beautiful wife Nicole for 18 years and they love their 16-year-old son Justin.

Visit www.audiovideolighting.com to find out how David Leuschner can help your church. You can also follow him on twitter and instagram: @davidleuschner